
Why Tasmania



Why Tasmania?

Tasmania boasts some of the highest quality education in Australia. Tasmania has great post study opportunities as well as amazing migration outcomes for those who stay after graduation. Living in Tasmania is the smart and economical choice for those wanting the best of both regional and city life, with a strong, friendly community of like-minded people to back you up.

We help enrol you in high demand courses such as:

– Commercial Cookery

– Automotive Repair

– Child Care

– Aged Care

– Building and Construction

– Painting

With great career outcomes like a motor mechanic or service technician for Automotive OR a commercial cook or commercial chef for Cookery and potential to land a leading or management role in your industry.

Contact us today for more info regarding career outcomes or studying in Tasmania and start your education journey.

Oh The Sights You'll See



Mount Wellington (kunanyi)

Nestled in Wellington Park Reserve and home to wildlife, walking tracks and spectacular views of hobart and beyond.
Catch the bus or drive to the peak which is a full 1,271 meters above sea level. Once there, enjoy the view OR if you’re lucky and feeling adventurous, experience the snow that falls on the mountain at certain times of the year.
Further down the mountain is the organ pipes, which which have been said to sing in the right winds, as well as the springs where you can have a BBQ and enjoy an open fire.

Salamanca Market

One of the largest markets in Australia and one of Tasmania’s largest tourist attractions.
This vibrant Saturday market brings over 300 stallholders to Hobart’s waterfront with live music and a variety of stalls, with everything from designers to fresh produce to specialty stalls.

Tulip Fields (Image featuring Southern Lights)

Tasmania’s famous tulip and lavendar farms attract a large amount of tourists during certain times of the year.


With such relaxing and scenic places scattered all throughout the island and it’s large and small towns, there is a laid back attitude combined with the regular hustle and bustle you would expect from a city like Hobart or Launceston.


(A bonus in this image is Tasmania’s southern lights which can be seen, but usually on camera, at many times throughout the year)

Remarkable Cave

A short while from the Port Aurther Historic Site is Remarkable Cave, a stunning example of Tasmania’s rugged wilderness and spectacular vistas.
The cave was formed via years of waves crashing into the cliff, eroding the sandstone, creating the amazing cave we have today. If you’re lucky you might a passing whale or a sea eagle soaring nearby.

Ben Lomond National Park

The ascent of Jacobs Ladder at Ben Lomond National Park is an impressive alpine road in Tasmania, which creates a breathtaking journey towards an impressive , well worth the trip.
The national park is home to one of two ski fields in Tasmania as well as rock climbing and a wealth of wildlife and beautiful scenary.